Gypsy Vanner Horse Registration
The name Gypsy Vanner represents a definitive breed born from a century old vision to create a specific looking horse. The goal of that vision was achieved, and the result is a breed capable of evoking great emotion.
Registering a Gypsy Vanner Horse
Owners of a horse that meets the breed description, bought though Gypsy MVP or elsewhere, can apply to be registered through the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society web site or The Gypsy Horse Registry of America.
Physical Characteristics
- Short back
- Heavy hips
- Broad chest
- Heavy flat bone at the knee
- Feathering that starts at the knee and hock, covers the front of the hooves
- Short strong neck and a sweet head
Please see Gypsy Vanner Current Breed Standards for complete information on conformation.
New Registration Rules!
(Copied from The Gypsy Vanner Horse Society)
Registration of Horses with the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
- Horses will be considered for registration by submitting the correct form, proper photos and the fee. These will be sent to the registrar at the address shown on the form.
- Closed Registration. All horses that are sired by a Registered Gypsy Vanner Horse and the dam is a Registered Gypsy Vanner Horse, are automatically eligible for registration and will be registered upon receipt of application, photos and fee. Sire and Dam will be verified by DNA testing, if DNA testing fails to identify the sire and dam, this registration application would enter into the Open Registration process
- Open Registration. Other horses submitted for registration that do not qualify under the Closed Registration process will be considered based on the breed standards, and other information provided such as knowledge of bloodlines, sire or dam, and possible ability to verify DNA. A video can also be requested in addition to any other information that helps the registration process.
Gypsy Vanner Horse Shows
Although the Gypsy Vanner has only been in the United States for a short time, its numbers are steadily on the rise.
If you would like to see these special horses at a show in your area, please visit the Gypsy Vanner Horse Society website for the show nearest you.